About Us
Prof. Javad Mirnajafi-Zadeh is studying on the hyper-excitability-induced changes in synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity. He is particularly interested to know the effect of brain stimulation on modulation of these changes. In addition, finding the mechanisms involved in modulatory effects of brain stimulation on synaptic transmission are of his interest. He is also focused on hyper-excitability induced impairments in learning and memory, and on the probable preventing effect of brain stimulation on these impairments.
Dr. Amir Shojaei is interested in the social neuroscience and role of sleep in social memory. Sleep, learning, and memory are complex physiological events that are not completely understood. It has been demonstrated that sleep has a major role in memory consolidation mediated mainly by hippocampus. Dr. Amir Shojaei is focusing on the role of different brain areas in hippocampal mediated memory consolidation which occur during sleep, using behavioral and electrophysiological approaches. Through another set of experiments, he is seeking a novel method for restoring the cognitive functions following sleep deprivation.
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No. 7, Jalal Ale-Ahmad Street, Tehran, Iran
P.O.Box: 14115-111
Phone: +98 (0) 21 82883865
+98 (0) 21 82884592